
Succeed with us!

The success of a company depends on the success of each individual employee. It is extremely important for us to provide comfortable working conditions for all members of our team. Therefore, we guarantee high wages, decent working conditions, social protection and continuous professional development.


kilometers of paved roads

18 cities

Ukraine where the work is carried out

30+ years

experience and improvement

The LAD Group brings together various leading high-tech industry companies, the success of which depends on skilled workers. Every specialist is part of the team's success, which is why another priority of the group is to create comfortable and decent working conditions, as well as guaranteed high wages and social protection.

Separately, the group takes care of the continuous professional development of its employees, providing training, participation in training and education programs, as well as conducts initial training of workers in certain specialties. The company also practices providing support in the training and professional training of a specialist for the purpose of his further employment under the condition of successful and effective training.

Building with us is building your career at the same time!